Akeem was nominated by two of this student’s teachers. He has stepped up in and out of the classroom! When working in groups, Akeem is always patient and helping others making sure they know what they are doing. Akeem love for his family shows his essence to wanting to get a good grade which shows his work ethic! He is a quiet but strong minded student. He strives to do what is right and is very just and fair minded, quietly speaking up and saying when a student has done something wrong and sometimes taking on the consequences of others to keep the peace. His maturity and kindness can be seen in the way he cares for his own family, especially his little sister. Although his facial expressions are priceless, he is polite and always willing to do what is asked of him if a teacher needs assistance.
Laila was nominated by a few of our teachers. Laila is a wonderful student. Her hard work and determination is shown by her grades. She tries to bring a smile to the faces of, not just peers, but teachers as well. Laila is a leader in the classroom. She is eager to learn new things and is not afraid to ask questions when needed. Laila is a spit ball of fire, but has the sweetest soul. She is so in-tune to how far she can push herself and what her goals are. She tells everyone "hi" every morning and ensures that her younger sister makes it to her class. Laila loves her little sister and watching them at the start of school walk down the hallways made hearts smile. Without being asked, she is always cleaning her grade's table after lunch. She is always willing to help the teachers when needed in the cafeteria. Laila is a joy to have in class and we can't wait to see her shine more this school year.
The St John Industrial Art Contest was open to all 3rd-6th Grade students in the parish.
Congratulations AOL's Winners!!
3rd Grade: 1st Place: Scarlett Fontanez
6th Grade: 1st Place: Kyndalyn Hill
6th Grade: 2nd Place: Charlotte Chauvin.Drew was nominated by a few of our teachers. She is extremely respectful, smart, and kind to everyone. Drew has the biggest heart and her happiness inspires others. She will not enter a classroom without shaking the teacher's hand or giving them a warm hug. Drew us always prepared for class. She always participates and is eager to help her teachers as well as her classmates. Drew always gives 100% to her school work and always makes the right choices.
Kelvin Noble was nominated by his teacher. He is the politest young man and is always willing to help to help with cleaning up. Kelvin always follows directions and is kind to his classmates and respectful to his teacher. He truly has the world's greatest manner, especially for a 3-year old. He gives up his toys to others when they want to play and He encourages his friends to play nice. Kelvin works hard to get all his work completed, independently. He respects prayer time. Kelvin is truly a joy to teach.
When I think of the Student of the Year, our school motto comes to mind. With Reason, Religion, and Kindness we guide each other in developing our God-given talents through the Catholic faith and challenging academic standards. Savion started AOL in Prek-3 and has been here ever since. The reason why he stands out as an outstanding 5th grader is because he likes challenges. Education is important to him and he believe in the importance of making good grades, which can be a challenge in itself. Savion strives to complete his homework and practice assignments because it allows his brain to be prepared for all higher level thinking. He has accepted all the academic challenges and pushes through the struggles by being vocal about his understandings. Being prepared and using his voice have lead him to remain on the Honor Roll since the 1st grade. Savion would like to attend St. Charles Catholic High School after leaving AOL and already has an ambition to attend Louisiana State University. Not only does he accept educational challenges, he also relishes the competition in video games and sports. Savion is a great collaborative teammate, especially in his favorite sport, basketball. He is inspired by his mother and father, who he states are very "strong and completive" and they give him the fuel to excel in all that he pursues. He strives on being pushed and challenged for greatness, because he wants to succeed in everything he puts his mind to. We are exceptionally grateful for Savion's hard work and dedication and thankful for him to represent us here at Ascension of Our Lord Catholic School.