We are here so our community can thrive, one student at a time.
Click the picture or on AOL Catholic School iGive to support the vision and goals of our school. DONATION LINK will go LIVE NOV 14.
Ascension of Our Lord Catholic School ministers to all the children in our community regardless of race, religion, creed, or ethnic origin. All of God's children will find love and guidance to become women and men of God.
The three pillars of our mission are REASON, RELIGION, AND KINDNESS. At the heart of our three pillars is faith. Faith (religion) is the guide to applying academic achievement (reason) in service (kindness) to the world around us.
Many families today make many sacrifices, personal and financial, to send their children to our school. Your support helps keep our school affordable. The funds for iGiveCatholic AOL will go towards many extra curricula activities, technology, and tuition assistance.
We appreciate your support. Your generosity is a blessing to all our children. We appreciate your gift to the mission of Ascension of Our Lord Catholic School. You are making a difference.
Dear Crusader Family,
Fr. Benny, the first AOL pastor, inspired all who knew him with his true story of the "multiplication of loaves." Fr. Benny continues to be our guardian angel in heaven.
Will you be our loaves and fish today? Please say yes to being a Crusader AMBASSADOR Captain or Assistant Ambassador during our giving drive called iGiveCatholic.
Student and Parent Prizes: Reach levels, and you get a prize
Class Prizes
Check Out Our Donor Page: AOL Catholic School iGiveCatholic Be sure to watch the special video about our AOL Catholic School Guardian Angels.
AOL Catholic School Parents are AWESOME. Your dedication and service make you heroes to our children and our community. You are the best!
God bless,
Douglas Triche
Here is the link to the Recommendation form to invite support for AOL iGive.
Link: AOL iGive Recommendation Form
Or, click on the picture of the form.
Thank you for being AWESOME!
Douglas Triche
Click on the image or click on this link: Pledge Survey for AOL Guardian Angels.
This pledge survey allows you to participate in different ways: